Ortopedia Pediátrica
domingo, 27 de abril de 2014
Discusión entre pares / Perthes, 7 yrs old,options plz
Indian-Orthopaedic Research-Group
Sabah Chenow
3 horas
Perthes, 7 yrs old,options plz
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Somnath Chowdhury
must do containment
3 horas
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Pedro Jorba
We need more info. When was he diagnosed? How are the arcs of motion of the hip?
3 horas
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Sabah Chenow
The diagnosis was about two y ago,motion is good in the hip
3 horas
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Pedro Jorba
In patients who start with Perthes before age 6, prognosis is almost universally good. The hip looks concentrically reduced (at least in that projection). With good motion, I don't think anything needs to be done at this stage.
3 horas
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Somnath Chowdhury
sir, I accept ur point about age of onset. but dnt u find the lateral pillar extruding out of the cup?
Pedro Jorba
3 horas
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Somnath Chowdhury
and this child, what sort of treatment has he received till now?
3 horas
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Sanjay Sharma
3 horas
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martes, 22 de abril de 2014
Discusión entre pares / Genu valgum of both knee,pre -op are lost.
Indian-Orthopaedic Research-Group
Aung Kyi Win
20 de abril a la(s) 20:07
Genu valgum of both knee,pre -op are lost.
Ananda Regmi
what was the cause of such severe genu valgum? in this case.
20 de abril a la(s) 21:20
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Aung Kyi Win
May be Rickets.
20 de abril a la(s) 22:20
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Ara Antaranyan
it will remodelate in future, by 8 plates you can correct it nicely inthat case
20 de abril a la(s) 23:08
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Aung Kyi Win
Thanks.Facilities are limited.Avoid two times operations and early mobilisation.
20 de abril a la(s) 23:18
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Pravin Kanabar
It's always better to do a supracondylar osteotomy, heals faster. In severe deformity, it's wiser to rule out renal cause.
20 de abril a la(s) 23:18
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Hany Khalil
You have to exlude metabolic dis.to avoid recurrencr
20 de abril a la(s) 23:38
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Gopal Goel
Pin and Plaster method- very good display
21 de abril a la(s) 1:01
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Vishal Hariprasad Chandak
it should have managed hemiepiphysiodesisb (growth modulation with 8 plate),,,least invasive and excellent results....
21 de abril a la(s) 1:38
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DrBone Nawa
But why not pheseodesis???
21 de abril a la(s) 1:55
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Aung Kyi Win
Pheseodesis may be good but can't do long time follow -up.I hv no experience .
21 de abril a la(s) 3:58
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Rajeev Nirawane
what about common peroneal ?
21 de abril a la(s) 4:04
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Riyadh Nahawi
May hypophosphatemic ......CPN. lateral collateral and medial collateral. ..???Another kid's in the family with same picture..
21 de abril a la(s) 4:37
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Aung Kyi Win
Post op, no nerve injuries.
21 de abril a la(s) 4:42
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Rewat Laxman
Hemiepiphyseodesis is the current thing
If 8 plates are not affordable then a cancellous screw can be used
Actually the word is "timed epiphyseodesis"
21 de abril a la(s) 13:29
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Riyadh Nahawi
21 de abril a la(s) 14:19
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